Friday, June 5, 2009

Creative Writing Portfolio

To start off this blog, I shall mention about the creative writing portfolio organised by MOE (Ministry of Education). Oh right, if you didn't know, this is Singapore.

The creative writing portfolio, as introduced to my class by my english teacher, Mrs Koh, is a portfolio in which students interested in writing submit four of their best writing pieces, plus a reflection for each piece. They hand it in to the teacher, and only some portfolios will be chosen. The deadline is 8th June 2009.

I will share with you my writing pieces after 8th June, so no plagiarism can be allowed!

Attached here are the instructions for the creative writing portfolio (i.e. what you should include, application form, etc.).

If you are interested, quickly call or email your english teacher (in singapore) to ask them about it. But if you think it's too late, forget about it.

About the Programme

Our Philosophy and Purpose

We believe that pupils who are verbally able at the Primary level could be encouraged to
take up creative writing seriously to enhance their literary understanding and improve their
writing ability. Through creative writing, they could not only engage in an intellectual play of
words to make meaning of their own experiences and relationships with others but also
acquire habits of mind essential to their growth as critical and creative writers.

The Creative Arts Programme (Primary), or CAP (Pri), aims to nurture young writers at
the Primary 5 level by offering them guidance in the art of creative writing, appropriate
exposure to related performing arts and raise their awareness about publishing in
Singapore. It also seeks to help them appreciate the connection between the literary and
performing arts.

Central to this programme is the valuable learning experience from professionals in the
various arts disciplines. Pupils would have the opportunity to meet published writers who
could offer them advice to hone their craft as well as meet like-minded individuals who are
passionate about the arts. We believe that for these young writers, the programme can
be a start to their being a caring and inquiring community of writers and artists.

Organisation and Structure of CAP (Pri)

The CAP (Pri) is initiated by the Gifted Education Branch, Ministry of Education,
Singapore. Pupils admitted to the programme will be offered a 4-day literary adventure
in the form of a seminar during the September holidays (7 to 10 Sep 09).

The seminar comprises the following:
• Writing workshops with published writers and peer critique with literary peers
• Hands-on sessions with arts practitioners to experiment with art forms

Application and Selection


The CAP (Pri) is targeted at Primary 5 pupils. Primary 5 pupils who have an interest in
creative writing (in English) and an aptitude for it could apply for the programme.
Application Procedures
The medium of instruction of this programme is English. To apply for the programme,
pupils must submit
􀂾 2 copies of their English creative writing portfolio. (See page 4 for portfolio
􀂾 1 copy of the application form. (See pages 6 & 7.)
􀂾 1 copy of the undertaking form. (See page 8.)

The portfolio, application and undertaking forms must reach the following address by 5 pm,
8 Jun 09:

Creative Arts Programme (Primary)
Gifted Education Branch
Ministry of Education
51 Grange Road
Blk 1, #01-09
Singapore 249564


Selection for the seminar is based strictly on merit. Participants will be admitted to the
programme based on the following criteria:

1. Form: Meaningful use of literary form
2. Content: Development of ideas and originality of thought
3. Language: Meaningful use of language
4. Style: Authenticity of voice
5. Self-Reflection: Depth of reflection

Please see page 9 for the Creative Writing Portfolio rubric. Pupils who are guilty of
plagiarism will be disqualified from the Seminar.
The results of the application will be sent to schools by 21 Aug 09.

About the Portfolio

A creative writing portfolio is an authentic form of assessment of a student writer’s maturity of
thought and literary style. In developing the portfolio, the student writer is encouraged to be
self-directed in learning and responsible for his/her own growth.
A good creative writing portfolio is a meaningful collection of the student writer’s works.
There should be evidence of the authenticity of voice, flexibility in the crafting of ideas,
originality in giving insights into personal experiences and relationships with others, and
lastly, thoughtfulness in self-reflection.

What to Include

1. Four of a pupil’s best creative writing pieces. There must be at least one poem
and one short story among the pieces chosen. These pieces must be chosen by the
pupil, with advice from the teacher. Teachers may want to use the rubric on page 9
to guide their pupils in the selection of their creative writing pieces.
2. A reflection note for each piece of writing selected. Each reflection note should
contain the reasons for including that piece of work and how that piece reflects
growth as a writer. Some examples are:
􀂃 "This piece demonstrated how I have effectively used foreshadowing by… "
􀂃 "I chose these pieces because they show my first attempts at writing about...The
challenges I faced were…I managed to overcome them by…"
􀂃 "After I discovered the importance of using precise words in writing a composition,
I tried to improve a story I had done previously using more precise language.
This piece is a result of that effort. The changes made in this draft were…"
􀂃 "Unlike my first draft, this 2nd draft was meant to make this story original, not
based on a book. Thus, I decided to create my own beginning…"
3. A story based on the Creative Writing Assignment (See page 5.)
4. In summary, the portfolio should contain four creative writing pieces, the reflection
notes for these four pieces and the story based on the Creative Writing Assignment.

Creative Writing Assignment 2009

Write a short story of at least 250 words based on the following situation:
Imagine you are a lizard in a primary school
in Singapore. Write down your feelings,
thoughts and experiences.
You are strongly encouraged to type out your story using the following format:
􀂃 Arial
􀂃 Font Size 12
􀂃 Double spacing
􀂃 Margin of 1 inch from the left, right, top and bottom
Please remember to indicate the number of words at the end of your story.

Application Form

CAP (PRI) 2009

*Please put a tick (√) in the appropriate box.
Name: ______________________________________ NRIC No.: _________________
School: ________________________ Class: ____________
Gender*: 􀂉 Male 􀂉 Female
Home Address: _____________________________________________________________
Contact No.: ___________________________
E-mail Address: _________________________
Parent’s Name: ________________________________
Parent’s Contact No.: ___________________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________
Teacher’s Contact No.: __________________________
Teacher’s E-mail Address: ________________________________
Food Requirements: 􀂉 Chinese 􀂉 Halal 􀂉 Vegetarian
Medical Allergies/Conditions (if any): ___________________________________

Application Form

CAP (PRI) 2009
1. Why do you wish to join the CAP (Pri) and what do you want to learn from it?
2. In your opinion, what are the responsibilities of a CAP (Pri) participant?
I understand that my application comprising ALL of the following must reach GE Branch by
5 pm, 8 Jun 09, for my application to be considered by the CAP (Pri) Organising Committee:
a) 2 hard copies of the portfolios (These portfolios will NOT be returned to me.)
b) 1 copy of the application form
c) 1 copy of the undertaking form
This means that I will need to submit my CAP (Pri) application to my teachers before 8 Jun
Name & Signature of Applicant: ______________________ Date: ____________

Letter of Undertaking
CAP (PRI) 2009

NAME OF PUPIL AS IN NRIC: ____________________________ IC NO. :_____________
SCHOOL: _________________________________ CLASS:_____________
Personal Undertaking by Applicant:
I understand the CAP (Pri) involves my total commitment and I agree to make every effort to
attend all the sessions of the seminar from 7 to 10 Sep 09. I confirm that I will not be involved
in any other programmes or co-curricular activities or commitments from 7 to 10 Sep 09.
I verify that all the works submitted in my CAP application are my own. If I am found guilty of
plagiarism, my application will be rejected and I will be disqualified.
Signature of Applicant & Date

Endorsement by Parent/Guardian:
I verify that my son/daughter/ward has no other commitments from 7 to 10 Sep 09 and will be
able to take part in all sessions of the CAP (Pri) during these four days.
__________________________ _______________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian & Date

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