Hi, long time no see. School has started. And for English, we're learning about science fiction this term. The literature book we're studying for 2009 and this term is "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. Sound familiar? If it's not, you can click my book blog to see my own personal reviews of the book: http://bookworm-club.wikispaces.com
It's about our second week doing AWIT (A wrinkle in time), and I've discovered lots and lots of hidden meaning beyond what you read on the surface. For example, the first sentence, "It was a dark and stormy night", was deliberately used by the author to allude to the Black Thing, or the tesseract.
Okay, if you haven't read the book, reading these reviews is a bad idea.
By the way, there is -shove- such thing -shove- as a tesseract.
I bet you don't get the joke, if you haven't even read Chapter 1 of the book.
That's all for today. Just an introduction. I'll be talking much more of the book soon.